FreshEyes Evaluations
We realize staff and managers take their jobs seriously and that unqualified evaluations are easily recognized.
Our team represents extensive management experience in all areas of a golf facility that will prove valuable to you and your team throughout this process. From Turfgrass Management to Administration to Food and Beverage to Golf Operations, our extensive background is a balanced, objective look at your property through ‘Fresh Eyes’.
Our 300 point evaluation is a thorough analysis of a guest’s visit to your property from an impartial third party. Mystery Shopper programs are not a new concept, but generating an effective program in-house is a time consuming task to create, execute and follow up during a very busy season. Fresh Eyes is a complete evaluation of your entire operation by individuals that have worked in every department of a golf club. From evaluating your accessibility to the booking process, washroom amenities, staff greetings, golf cart cleanliness, loyalty programs, cart path edging and everything in between, we typically find some faults, but we also provide positive feedback to staff, managers and owners for accomplishments that are used to build from and create a sense of pride amongst your team.
All Fresh Eyes reports will be returned within 24 hours and set up so that you and your staff can review them as a team. We can also work on creating a system in the future so the evaluations can take place throughout the year. Our program is simple.